
What is m∠Q ? Round only your final answer to the nearest tenth. 24.1º 30.8º 59.2º 125.1º

Accepted Solution

The measure of the angle m∠Q is 30.8 degree after applying the law of cosine.What is the triangle?The triangle can be defined as a three-sided polygon in geometry, and it consists of three vertices and three edges. The sum of all the angles inside the triangle is 180°. Let's suppose the angle m∠Q is ASo applying law of cosine:[tex]\rm 40^2 = 64^2+32^2-2(64)(32) \ cosA[/tex]CosA = 0.859A = 30.75 ≈ 30.8 degreeThus, the measure of the angle m∠Q is 30.8 degree after applying the law of cosine. Learn more about the triangle here:brainly.com/question/25813512#SPJ1